seeming - определение. Что такое seeming
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Что (кто) такое seeming - определение

¦ adjective apparent.
?[in combination] giving the impression of having a specified quality: an angry-seeming man.
¦ noun literary outward appearance, especially when deceptive or different from reality.
seemingly adverb
Seeming means appearing to be the case, but not necessarily the case. For example, if you talk about someone's seeming ability to do something, you mean that they appear to be able to do it, but you are not certain. (FORMAL)
Wall Street analysts have been highly critical of the company's seeming inability to control costs...
= apparent
ADJ: ADJ n [vagueness]
·noun Apprehension; judgment.
II. Seeming · & ·vb.n. of Seem.
III. Seeming ·noun Appearance; show; semblance; fair appearance; speciousness.
IV. Seeming ·adj Having a semblance, whether with or without reality; apparent; specious; befitting; as, seeming friendship; seeming truth.


| years_active = 2013–present
Примеры произношения для seeming
1. of seeming impossibilities.
By All Means Paint _ Sydney Chaffee _ Talks at Google
2. are seeming less appealing.
Bits to Bitcoin - How Our Digital Stuff Works _ Mark Stuart Day _ Talks at Google
3. of seeming strangers,
4. seeming biological impediments.
5. And he's seeming really antsy.
BEAT - The True Story of a Suicide Bomb and a Heart _ Rowan Somerville _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для seeming
1. Maybe they were afraid of seeming like bullies, of offending political correctness by seeming macho.
2. "Things seem to be going better." Seeming is great, but seeming isn‘t voting.
3. Much of Bush‘s talent has been for seeming apolitical, seeming gracefully above it all.
4. Having announced this seeming diplomatic breakthrough, Ms.
5. But you see the flash of his intelligence in throwaway remarks rather than sustained arguments; he has a great fear of seeming too serious, or seeming to care.